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Guidance 9-12

Course Selection for the 2024-25 School Year

Current Grades 8-11 


To our families and students,

  • Please review the 2024 -2025 BHS Course of Study Guide to learn about course offerings and special programming at Brockton High School.  You may also explore the Scheduling Presentation that explains the process by which students will work with their school guidance counselors to finalize course selections.


  • Course selection begins on March 18th when the Student Scheduling Portal opens in Infinite Campus. Students will meet with their counselors in March and April to participate in a scheduling lesson and finalize their course requests.


  • A final list of course requests will be posted to the student backpack in Infinite Campus during the first week of May.


  • Please contact your student's school guidance counselor if you have any questions about specific courses, programs, or the scheduling process and timeline.  


  • The Scheduling Presentation is also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Contact Us

Coordinator of Guidance 6-12
Fax: 508-580-7499

Green Guidance Office: 508-580-7415
Red Guidance Office: 508-580-7425
Azure Guidance Office: 508-580-7435
Yellow Guidance Office: 508-894-4405

The Guidance Department at Brockton High School offers a variety of resources and programs to ensure the success of each student during their high school career and beyond.



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