Guidance » Scholarships


Scholarship Information

Brockton High School Scholarship Program stands as a lasting tribute to many generous people, organizations and businesses who have made supporting our students in their quest of higher education a priority.
Each year, more than $50,000 in scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors pursuing a college education and BPS students have access to more than 100 scholarships to support their continuing education. 
Scholarships are established in a variety of ways: some through bequests left in the form of trusts, fraternal and service clubs have granted others, while student organizations and caring individuals from our community have created other scholarship opportunities.
This outward generosity demonstrates a real commitment by our city to support the future of its children.
The 2025 Scholarship Book is below. You can click the link to download it or read it in the window below. The red button below links to a form to apply to scholarships 1-21 in the book. The special scholarships forms are on the righthand side of the page. 
For scholarships on pages 22-45, download and submit the form linked below and submit it to the BHS Main Office along with the required materials for the scholarships you're applying for. 
For scholarships on pages 46-91, please follow the instructions for submitting your application and materials directly to the organization awarding the scholarships. 
Special Scholarships
The documents below are related to the non-BPS administered special scholarships. These scholarships are not included in the Scholarship Book but are open to BPS students. Click to expand the list of applications and select the ones that are of interest to you. 

Please follow the steps below to create a new scholarship

  1. Develop a Committee
  2. Decide on amount and term of award
  3. Decide on fundraising and what bank to hold account
  4. Use application on file in BHS Guidance Office or develop one of your own
  5. Develop format for scholarship write-up
  6. Send letter from Scholarship Committee to School Committee requesting to be part of the scholarship program. This material should be forwarded to the Guidance Office at Central for processing.
    • Guidance Department
      43 Crescent Street
      Brockton, MA, 02301
  7. Application must be completed by April 1st or 15th
  8. Selection of award recipient by May 1st send to Guidance Office at Central
  9. Call for assistance if needed
    • Juli Caldwell - 508-580-7538