Guidance 9-12
Course Selection for the 2025-26 School Year
Current Grades 8-11
To our families and students,
Please review the 2025 -2026 BHS Course of Study Guide below to learn about course offerings and special programming at Brockton High School. You may also explore the Scheduling Presentation that explains the process by which students will work with their school guidance counselors to finalize course selections.
Course selection begins on March 5 when the Student Scheduling Portal opens in Infinite Campus. Students will meet with their counselors in March and April to participate in a scheduling lesson and finalize their course requests.
Please contact your student's school guidance counselor if you have any questions about specific courses, programs, or the scheduling process and timeline.
The Scheduling Presentation is also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
25-26 Course of Study Guide & Scheduling Lesson
Guidance Resources
Student Portal Instructions
Guidance Forms
Work Permit Instructions
Transfer of Student Records Form
This form is used during the summer to transfer an active student to another high school or private school.
When filling out this form please include as much information as possible.
Transcript-Records Release Form
This form is used for the following:
- To have a transcript sent to a college.
- To request a transcript for any other purpose.
- To request a full set of records for a graduate, an inactive student or an active student that is not leaving Brockton High School.
When filling out this form, be very specific. The more we know the faster we can locate your records.
MEFA Pathway Registration Instructions
College and Career Education is of great importance for students, overall during high school as it allows students to make the best of their high school career and begin developing, as early as grade nine, plans for life after high school. For this purpose, Brockton High School uses MEFA Pathway, a free on-line college and career education platform provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MEFA Pathway is interactive in nature and offers students the opportunity to learn about themselves and to develop a personal Career and Academic Plan (MCAP). Indeed, counselors and teachers can use this tool all throughout high school to help you gain self-awareness, explore careers and find post-secondary educational options that match your interest and skills.
That is why we encourage you to complete the activities recommended for your grade level. They will help you identify personal, academic and career goals for yourself and help you identify electives you should be requesting for next year. In addition, you will earn 1.5 credits for completing each list of activities.
Let’s get started!
- Follow the link and watch an introductory video. It will help you understand the benefits of using MEFA Pathway.
- If you have already created your account, go directly to the list of activities for your grade level.
- If you have not completed the previous grade level, complete those activities first.
- If you have never used before, please do the following:
1. Register for MEFA Pathway and make sure to SAVE your log in information.
2. On your browser go to
2. On your browser go to
- Click on “I am a Student”
- Click on “First time User”
- Enter the requested information (first name, last name, date of birth, city, school)
- Click “Submit”
- Complete the next registration information: first name, last name, date of birth, address, school, and expected year of graduation
- Click “Register”
3. Create your Username and password
REMEMBER: SAVE your LOG IN information in a word document. Name the document as MY CAP (My Career and Academic Plan).
REMEMBER: SAVE your LOG IN information in a word document. Name the document as MY CAP (My Career and Academic Plan).
- Tips for creating a username (use your first and last name as one word, no spaces)
- Enter your school email address.
- Tips for creating a password: use your first and last names initial letters followed by the # symbol and your school ID number.
- For example, student John Doe with ID # 121300 PASSWORD: JD#121300 IMPORTANT: Save your log in information. Passwords are case sensitive.
- Select the two Security questions (Please remember to record this information in the MEFA login document as well.)
Next just refer to the Activities by Grade Level suggested by the Brockton High School Guidance Department (linked below).
Guidance Department Contact Info
Could not find any faculty or staff.
Seal of Biliteracy Program
Brockton High School has just begun accepting applications for our new Seal of Biliteracy; one of the few schools in Massachusetts to offer this program. This is a certificate given with the high school diploma that certifies that the student is proficient or beyond in reading, writing, and speaking two or more languages upon graduation. Any freshman or sophomore interested in this program can get an application from their foreign language teacher or guidance counselor. For questions about the program or for more information, please contact Rachael Umbrianna, Coordinator of Foreign Languages 6-12 at [email protected].
Guidance Curriculum
Guidance Curriculum
The Guidance Department creates structured lessons and programs designed to assist students in achievement, and the knowledge and skills necessary for their development.
A variety of resources are used to plan and implement these programs. Listed below are the outlines for just a few of the lessons that are presented to the students throughout the 4 years of high school. Other topics may include but are not limited to: Preparing for the PSAT, Understanding the PSAT, Getting Back on Track through Project Diploma, Career Advisement and College Access Workshops, Anger Management, Social Skills Development, Health Awareness Topics and much, much more.
Freshman Orientation:
- Guidance Offices- Counselor recognition activity
- Types of services offered through Guidance
- Support Services-Adjustment counselors, academic supports (Access Center, Peer Tutoring and mediation
- The Successful Student
- Attendance, How to do your best
- Graduation Requirement
- A typical 9th grade schedule
- Academic Levels
- Summer School
- GPA/Class rank
- Extra Curricular Opportunities-Clubs and Sports
- Community Service
- Life Line
- Student Advisement Plan
Sophomore Presentation:
- How to monitor academic progress?
- Homework
- Attendance/waivers
- Make-up work
- Extra help
- Graduation Requirements
- Summer School
- MCAS Requirements/Individual Student Success Plans/Appeals
- Preparing for college-Inside the classroom, outside the classroom
- Long range planning/Student advisement plan
- Grades/ levels
- Minimum Requirements for college
- College Entrance Exams
I. Introduction
- Student as a Consumer
- Relationship w/ Guidance Counselor
- Graduation Status
- Post Secondary Goals
II. Official Transcript
- Grades
- Test Scores
- Rank
- Counselor Recommendation
III. Release of Records Request Form
- Signed by Student if 18 or over
- Signed by Parent if under 18
IV. What should I be doing now?
- Four Year College Requirements
- Choose 4-6 schools
- Register for SAT's / Send scores
- Register for ACT or SAT II's
- Bilingual Students - ELPT, TOEFL
- Get Applications and Begin Filling Out
- Essays/ Personal Statements/ Teacher
- Recommendations
- Interview
V. State College/University Requirements
- College Preparatory Course Requirements
- GPA requirements
- SAT Score Requirements
- Community College Alternative
VI. Other Options
- Technical Schools
- Armed Services
- Full Time Employment
VI. Financial Aid
- Paper Application/ On-line Application
- Student Aid Report (SAR)
- Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)
- Types of Student Aid
- CSS Profile
- Financial Aid Nights
- Scholarship Binder
- Local Scholarship Book
VII. Activity Sheet
VIII. Questions/Answers
Access Center
"Desire, determination and discipline"
The Access Center/ Tech Center at Brockton High School is part of the BHS Guidance Department effort to implement the vision of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) adopted by the Massachusetts School Counselors Association (MASCA). The vision of the Access Center is "to ensure that every student at BHS has the opportunity to access personalized peer-academic support and to receive customized information that can help them in the decision making process for their post-secondary plan". In order to fulfill this vision the Access Center provides both human and technical support.
Academic support is offered by upper class students (juniors and seniors), who have successfully passed MCAS and who excel in one or more academic areas. These students who are handpicked by their guidance counselors based on their academic and personal characteristics and are encouraged to volunteer part of their time peer-tutoring students in need of extra help. Peer-tutors receive credits for this service.
Volunteers are trained for about two weeks at the beginning of each term by the Access Center Coordinator. During this time they discuss strategies and psychological aspects aimed to enhance both their services as tutors and the academic skills of their assigned students. They also learn to maintain records of the work they do with each student. Peer-tutors have regular debriefing sessions monitored by the Access Center Coordinator where they assess their student's progress and exchange experiences and strategies which allow for the use and development of their critical thinking skills.
In addition, the Access Center peer-volunteers are trained in the use of career exploratory- career planning software. This allows them to help students develop career technical literacy and assist counselors in the registration process for the use of these tools. Peer tutors are also trained and updated periodically regarding scholarship opportunities, college testing registration procedures and deadlines, and similar matters. Summarizing, the Access Center volunteers are well prepared to help any BHS students to locate and use post-secondary career information resources. Throughout the semester each volunteer chooses an area or topic related to post-secondary options for students and develops a portfolio that is left for interested students to use as an additional career exploratory/planning tool.
The Access Center is staffed with a full time guidance counselor and a teacher. The guidance counselor acts as the Access Center Coordinator and is under the direct supervision of the Guidance Department Head. This individual is responsible for the generation, organization and coordination of academic support and career oriented activities taking place at this center. Additional responsibilities are to recruit, train, and supervise peer-tutors, to lead and coordinate the delivery of services imparted at this center according to students' developmental needs, to assess the effect of tutoring services on the academic progress of students, and to maintain records and collect data for all activities.
Technical Support:
Besides helping students strengthen their academic skills by supporting their learning process, the Access Center at BHS is also devoted to helping students strengthen their technical literacy skills. Staff and peer-tutors assist students in gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to take advantage of software and web-based career exploratory and career planning programs. These programs which are purchased by the guidance department offer students and parents support throughout the decision making process involved in the exploration and identification of appropriate post-secondary alternatives. Programs such as Choices Explorer, Choices Planner, and MassCis allow for the personalization of the career related counseling services. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of these programs which are free of charge. To learn more about how to register for these programs go to the links and resources page of the Guidance website.
Contact Information:
The Access Center is located on the first floor in the Azure Building at BHS (former Azure IRC). It is open Monday Through Friday from 7:32 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Students can be referred to the Access Center by their guidance counselors, teachers or parents. They can also request services on their own at any time during the year by reporting to the AIRC during a Directed Academic period, their lunch, or when a teacher is absent. However, students must have a valid pass signed by a teacher. Parents are welcome to contact the Access Center by calling at 508-894-4597 or by e-mailing Mrs. Rubilar, the Access Center Coordinator, at [email protected]
Contact Us
Green Guidance Office: 508-580-7415
Red Guidance Office: 508-580-7425
Azure Guidance Office: 508-580-7435
Yellow Guidance Office: 508-894-4405
Red Guidance Office: 508-580-7425
Azure Guidance Office: 508-580-7435
Yellow Guidance Office: 508-894-4405
The Guidance Department at Brockton High School offers a variety of resources and programs to ensure the success of each student during their high school career and beyond.