Brockton High School Home

Welcome to Boxer Country

Brockton High School's culture of excellence fosters an environment that emphasizes Professional Development, Instructional Focus, Climate & Culture, Community Partnerships and Student Experience & Support

Upcoming Events

Principal's Message

apple on books
Dear Brockton High School Community: 
It is my honor and a pleasure to welcome you to the 2024 – 2025 school year! I hope you all had a relaxing and fun-filled summer that provided you with great joy and a rejuvenated spirit. 
I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of Brockton High School and to continue to support our school community. This year, the Brockton High School is embarking on building a Culture of Excellence.  As a school, we will focus our efforts on the five (5) components of the Culture of Excellence: 
1. Professional Development 
2. Instructional Focus (Literacy) 
3. Climate & Culture 
4. Partnerships
5. Student Experience 
These will be embedded into all that we do. We will continuously strive for academic excellence and social and emotional well-being for our students while embodying equity and inclusion. As a staff, we will foster a professional school environment that is rooted in three (3) tenets: collegiality, collaboration, and cooperation. 
  I would like to welcome all our new families, whether you are joining us from another school in the district or have relocated from another city, state, or country. We are excited to share with you all that Brockton High School has to offer and believe you will soon feel as we do, that Brockton High School is a special place for all students. Our administrators, teachers, support staff, families, and other education partners are ready to welcome you into Boxer Country. 
We look forward to a fresh start of the school year, learning from our past with an eye on the future.  Our goal is to create a dynamic learning environment that will prepare every student for success for all post-secondary opportunities that present themselves.  Brockton High School will be the crown jewel of the Brockton Public Schools! 
Thank you for your unwavering support and have a great year! 
Kevin McCaskill

Recent News

Welcome to the New Brockton Public Schools Website!

Welcome to the Brockton Public Schools' brand new website, which we've designed to be easier to navigate than ever before! To help you learn your way around, we've prepared multilingual walkthroughs to click through at your convenience, as well as a video walkthrough created by advanced media and TV students from BHS.
A sun splashed BHS student

21 Brockton High Students Earn Scholastic Art Awards

Congratulations to the 21 Brockton High School students whose artwork was recognized in the Scholastic Art Awards. Seven BHS students earned Silver Keys for their work and over a dozen earned honorable mentions!